Coming together in April 2009 Sophie Tassignon (voice/loopstation) and Simon Vincent (electronics) released their debut album “Trees and Birds and Beautiful Things” in 2011, an album of highly personal and distinctive musical language comprising stunning soundscapes, deep, resonant and granular textures.
CHARLOTTE & MR STONE is truly a duo as you’ve never heard before. Sophie Tassignon possesses a voice that is rich and beautiful, and equally as capable of producing the most haunting and eerie sounds. Using electronic loops she has the ability to weave together and layer her own voice to create everything from orchestral sounds to complex layers of atonal and polyrhythmic colours. Her partner in crime, electroacoustic musician Simon Vincent is a master in his profession and proves the perfect match to Tassignon’s manner of instant composition.
Their music is at once dynamic and electronic yet also highly lyrical and at times even romantic, displaying the command that both have of their respective instruments.